First we follow uncle and see the Bull Frog, then we can even touch it !
After what is is time to feed the goat and the rabbit, Kiara loves it while Timi keep washing her hands after touching the frog, and even so I explain her that if she kiss it she might get a prince she did not want to develop further her contact with the wild…
Now time to feed the real monster, around 11.30 the kids start to transform into gremlins running everywhere brain overloads with animals sex, size and habit information, we know how many bags of poo poo for one happy meal uncle need to dig and also that pigeon eggs are very expensive but mosquito will slip on your face so smooth after treatment laaaaaaaa.
And then we went home Timéa sleeping on my lap and Kiara next to me, drop them back to school and back to work. We close the bracket for today waiting to reopen it at the park every evening…