Now and then I have the joy to bring the girls to school. It is actually more often since I’m working part time.
the scenario is as follow.
The girls come and wake us up. then we share the breakfast together. While we wash our teeth they do the same and play 5 minutes then we all dress up and put some shoes. depending of the mood they like to wear sock and if they do they need to be pull as high as the elasticity of the sock allow it.
Kiara will ride her bicycle every day while Timi will try to get an extra bag or an extra toys or bargain to plug more flower (I’m always surprise they still have flower on the way knowing that Timéa and Kiara take that road twice a day)
After school, the park is a must even when raining they want to go. At the park they meet all their friends, the same they see at school or on Saturday morning.

The we also try to go to the park every Sunday Gaëlle could use this time to run. The new game for the moment is to make some tracks using obstacles and make it a game or a adventure to follow.